BC 2018 Photogallery
Finally found the time to select and edit the best photos from my visit to Canada last summer! In addition to that I would like to give you the story behind one of my favorite photos i've ever taken. It also happens to belong to the gallery I just dropped.

I would say one of the biggest reasons i'm so excited about photography and nature is my Papa. He is always around with his camera capturing moments (especially after he got a brand new one!). Here, we are out feeding the bald eagles of the area, which my Papa has been doing for as long as I can remember. What happens is the eagles come sit in a tree near the beach and wait for Papa to come out with his fish heads. Then they'll swoop down, grab their prize and fly back to their nest. In the spring and early days of summer, the eagles are there almost every day as they have fresh hatchlings to feed..
So I took this picture basically from the backyard of my grandparents house at Little River, Comox. It is really quite a remarkable thing and I was overjoyed to find that I had managed to capture both Papa and our beloved eagle in the same photo.
x Jess