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Getting started

Ciao guys and welcome to my first blogpost!

I won't be bothering anyone with much introductions since you can find all that jazz on my ABOUT ME page. Basically i'm a professional volleyball player in my rookie season who also happens to enjoy a load of other stuff, all of which you'll find out about if you keep reading my posts.

The idea for this site started out from me needing a creative outlet for my hobbies aside from volleyball. Photography, traveling, cooking, make-up, literature, history... the list goes on! All of these things are of great interest to me and I felt like I was in need of some kind of platform to express myself. Photography is one of my favorite things to do so i'll surely post lots of different galleries but also blogs on pressing issues, new recipes and tutorials, not to mention what my life is like as a pro athlete. I've had a blog in the past but I feel like the time wasn't quite right for it and I was still very much figuring out what kind of person I was becoming. Mind you, I still am but I feel like I have a lot more to say now.

"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say." F. Scott Fitzgerald

Another reason for creating this site is to help keep my family and friends across the world more involved in my life. For those of you who are not familiar with me, I have a dual citizenship and family in Finland as well as Canada. Family is extremely important to me and I believe that seeing my posts and photos among other things will really help keep all my relatives and homies informed on everything I forget to mention over the phone or email. Now that I am here in Lugano it seems all the more important because pretty much all my loved ones live in different countries.

I think that's about it for the day. Overall i'll try my best to post something weekly but sometimes life gets in the way so bear with me. Anyway, if you find my posts, photos or site in general interesting feel free to share it to others who might feel the same way. Everyone is welcome to join me on this journey and I in turn welcome any ideas to improve my site.

x Jess

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© Jessica Kosonen. Proudly created with

All pictures are taken by me unless else mentioned. If you decide to use any of my photos, make sure to give credit where its due. Thank you.

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